29 Mei 2012

5 Tema Transformer Untuk Windows 7 Full Glass

Itu adalah preview tema windows 7 ane :v
ada yg mau tema transformer transparan seperti itu? okay ane share :D

Step By Step :
1. Pertama ente harus baca dulu artikel ane tentang Cara Mengganti Tema di Windows 7 DISINI
2. Download Tema Naruto Shippuden Windows 7 Full Glass DISINI
3. Extrak file yg sudah di download tadi
4. Copy isi dari folder Theme ke c/windows/resources/themes
5.  klik kanan di layar, pilih personalize klik theme yg sudah copy tadi
6. open full glass.exe yg ada di dalam folder Extras yg sudah di download
7. Copy file full glass.exe yg ada di dalam full glass.rar dan paste ke C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
8. Otak atik sendiri tuh yg ada di folder Extras :P

Buat yg Microsoft Word nya jadi hitam silahkan ikuti langkah berikut :
1. Klik kanan desktop pilih > Personalize
2. Klik Window Colour pilih > Advanced appearance settings
3. Ganti item Desktop menjadi Window
4. ganti Colour warna hitamnya menjadi warna putih

18 Mei 2012

1 SmadAV 9.0 Pro With Keygen + Cara Menghilangkan Blacklist SmadAV 9.0

Pas lagi connect'in PC tanpa sadar Smadav 8.9 ane update auto ke versi 9.0 dan al hasil kena blacklist heheh :D

untuk agan² yg kena black list juga nih ada tutor buat ngilangin tanda black list di smadav 9.0 :)

  1. Pastikan Smadav di PC/Laptop ente ga aktif (Klik kanan pada ikon Smadav di System tray dan klik Exit) 
  2. Klik Start > Run lalu ketik “Regedit” ATAU tekan logo Windows & R secara bersamaan lalu ketik “Regedit” untuk menjalankan registry editor.
  3. Lalu buka HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Notepad pada registry editor.
  4. Kemudian cari “lfPitchΔndFamily”, “lfPitchΔndFamily2″, dan “lfPitchΔndFamily3″, klik kanan pada value tersebut dan klik Delete dan Yes lalu OK (Hapus semua value yang namanya lfPitchΔndFamily, biang keroknya nih gan).
  5. Selanjutnya buka direktori C:\Program Files\Smadav dan klik 2 kali pada file “SMΔRTP.exe” untuk menjalankan Smadav.
  6. taraaa Blacklist nya udah ilang wkakwak  Kalo ada yg belom punya Smadav 9.0 download di bawah ini
Download SmadAV 9.0 Pro With Keygen

14 Mei 2012

0 IDM 6.11 Final Build 7 Full Version

Bertemu lagi sama ane, makhluk Tuhan yg biasa aja :D
kali ini ane akan share IDM 6.11 Final Build 7 Full. Sapa sih yg ga kenal IDM? Software yg bisa bikin download makin kenceng, yg ga tau ya NDESO~

(What's new Released: May 02, 2012?)

  • Fixed a bug in integration module for IE
  • Added support for Firefox 14
  • Added support for SeaMonkey 2.9

Cara Pakai Patch :
1. Install IDM
2. Setelah installasi, CLOSE IDM yg ada di tray icon
3. Buka Patch Idm (Run as administrator untuk vista/7)
4. Click patch
5. Isi Name dan Last Name ( Terserah Anda )
6. Enjoy Full Version!!!

Download IDM 6.11 Final Build 7 Full Version

10 Mei 2012

11 [New!!] Update Status Via BlackBerry Asli 1000%

Kali ini ane update lagi trik Update Status Via BalackBerry yg lebih maknyoss =)) lebih asli dari versi sebelumnya. kalo mau liat versi sebelomnya bisa mampir disini => Update Status Via BlackBerry, iPhone, Android Asli 100%. langsung aja ga usah bayak omong :D

0 Cara Mengganti Start Icon / Start Orb Windows 7

Apa itu Start Icon/Start Orb? Start Orb adalah tombol menu windows yg defaultnya berada pada bawah sebelah kanan layar monitor dan menggunakan logo windows sebagai iconnya.

Bosen sama iconnya yg gambar itu itu terus? Simak tuorial kali ini =D

  • Download Software Windows 7 start Orb Changer DISINI
  • Jalankan software tadi sebagai Administrator dengan cara: Klik Kanan > Run As Administrator

  • Klik Change maka maka file browser akan muncul lau pilih dimana lokasi file start orb baru yg akan di gunakan, kalo belom punya bisa di download DISINI

  • Tunggu beberpa saat maka tombol start akan berubah
  • Kalau mau di kembaliin ke default klik Restore

9 Mei 2012

12 Tema Naruto Shipuden Windows 7 Full Glass

Itu adalah preview tema windows 7 ane :v
ada yg mau tema naruto transparan seperti itu? okay ane share :D

Step By Step :
1. Pertama ente harus baca dulu artikel ane tentang Cara Mengganti Tema di Windows 7 DISINI
2. Download Tema Naruto Shippuden Windows 7 Full Glass DISINI
3. Extrak file yg sudah di download tadi
4. Copy isi dari folder shipuden ke c/windows/resources/themes
5.  klik kanan di layar, pilih personalize klik theme yg sudah copy tadi
6. open full glass.exe yg ada di dalam file Rar yg sudah di dwonload
7. Copy file full glass.exe yg ada di dalam full glass.rar dan paste ke C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Buat yg Microsoft Word nya jadi hitam silahkan ikuti langkah berikut :
1. Klik kanan desktop pilih > Personalize
2. Klik Window Colour pilih > Advanced appearance settings
3. Ganti item Desktop menjadi Window
4. ganti Colour warna hitamnya menjadi warna putih

4 Percepat Internet dengan Squid

Apa itu Squid? Squid adalah server proxy atau internet cache yang menyimpan data dari hasil browsing kita ke hardisk lokal. Jadi, internet kita terasa semakin cepat karena beberapa unsur website seperti image, script, video atau audio sudah disimpan dulu di harddisk. Dengan demikian browser tidak perlu mengambil data secara langsung dari internet lagi, yang perlu diambil dari internet hanya beberapa file yang telah ter-update dari website tersebut. Hal ini membuat loading browsing internet kita menjadi semakin cepat saat kita mengunjungi website yang sering kita kunjungi.

Manfaat penggunaan Squid :
  • Mempercepat loading website yang sudah pernah dibuka
  • Menghemat kuota atau bandwidth
  • Menghemat uang karena ngirit kuota :P

Langsung aja Step by Step Menginstall dan Mensetting Squid :
  • Download Squid dulu DISINI 
  • Buka File downloadan Squid, lalu extract ke drive C:\
  • Buka Command Prompt dengan cara mengetik 'cmd' tanpa tanda kutip dengan Run (start+R) atau lebih direkomendasikan untuk windows 7/vista membuka CMD yg ada di direktori 
  • Ketik "cd c:\squid\sbin" (tanpa tanda kutip) pada CMD
  • Ketik "squid -i" dan enter untuk menginstall Squid
  • Lalu ketik "squid -z" dan enter untuk membuat direktori swap

  • Untuk mengatur agar squid berjalan otomatis, buka run ketikkan services.msc, lalu cari Squid

  • Klik kanan "Squid" > Properties > dan atur seperti ini :

  • Jangan lupa klik "Start" agar squid berjalan.
  • Atur settingan proxy di IDM, Firefox ataupun Internet Explorer kamu dengan proxy dan port 3128. misal kalo di firefox masuk pada Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Setting lalu setting seperti gambar dibawah

  • Selesai sudah cara menginstall squid ini. :)

cara meng-uninstall Squid :
  • Masuk ke cmd.
  • Ketik "cd c:\squid\sbin"  lalu enter.
  • Ketik squid -r lalu enter.
  • Internetmu sudah normal dan kembalikan settingan proxymu seperti semula (No Proxy).
NB : Pada perintah "squid -r", "squid -i", dan "squid -z", terdapat spasi/space sebelum tanda strip (-). Mohon diperhatikan! Cara ini berlaku untuk Windows XP, Vista, dan Seven.

6 Bully Schoolarship Edition PC Game Full Version

Yang sering main PS pasti tau tentang game satu ini. Game Bully tergolong game lama di PS 2 namun di versi PC lebih banyak senjata, map dan kelasnya. Jadi bagi yg ingin memainkan kembali game Bully ini di PC, tidak ada salahnya mencoba.

System Requirements :

  • Processor Type: Intel® Pentium® 4 processor, AMD Athlon™ processor
  • Processor Speed: 3GHz
  • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista 
  • System Memory: 1GB RAM 
  • Hard Drive Space: 4.7GB
  • Video Card: DirectX 9.0c-compatible NVIDIA 6800 or 7300 or ATI RADEON X1 300 or better video card with Shader 3.0 support
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9-compatible sound card
Screen Shot :

Link Download (idws)

credit & thanks to uploader : Holyshield @idws

Note : Untuk download part 3, disable IDM nya terlebih dahulu agar bisa di download 

6 Mei 2012

0 Asal Mula Warung Angkringan

Kalo ada yang belum tahu warung angkringan kayak apa, seperti gambar dibawah ini gan. Kalo orang Yogya pasti tau lah.

MARAKNYA warung 'Angkringan' di Jakarta dan beberapa kota di tanah air, rupanya tidak bisa dilupakan begitu saja mengenai asal muasal tempat makan bersahaja yang pertama kali muncul di Yogyakarta sekitar tahun 1950-an ini.

Berasal dari kata angkring atau nangkring yang dalam bahasa Jawa berarti duduk santai. Konsep warung ini berbentuk gerobak yang atasnya dilapisi dengan terpal atau tenda plastik. Ciri khas lainnya adalah warung makan Angkringan ini mulai beroperasi mulai siang hingga subuh dini hari.

Warung makan yang dahulunya sebagai tempat beristirahat rakyat kecil yang umumnya berprofesi sebagai supir, tukang becak dan delman, seiring perkembangan waktu malah makin digemari oleh beragam lapisan masyarakat, mulai dari mahasiswa, seniman, pegawai kantor, hingga pejabat.

Menu paling digemari dari warung Angkringan tentu saja adalah Nasi Kucing (yang dalam bahasa Jawa disebut Sego Kucing). Sebagai menu tambahan, biasanya ada disediakan tempe sambal kering, teri goreng, sate telur puyuh, sate usus, sate ceker, dan ikan bandeng. Sedangkan untuk minuman, umumnya menjual wedang jahe, susu jahe, teh manis, air jeruk dan kopi.

Jika Anda berkesempatan ke Yogyakarta, Anda harus datang ke warung Angkringan Lik Man yang punya minuman spesial yaitu kopi joss. Yang membedakan kopi ini dengan yang lainnya adalah saat penyajiannya. Pada saat akan dihidangkan gelas kopi dicelupkan arang panas yang menimbulkan bunyi jossss.

Angkringan Lik Man yang berada di Jalan Pangeran Mangkubumi (sebelah utara Stasiun Tugu), Yogyakarta inilah yang banyak diminati oleh penduduk lokal maupun wisatawan. Sangking banyak peminatnya, maka jangan heran, jika Anda ke sana, banyak menemukan puluhan orang sedang lesehan karena area angkringan tersebut sangat sempit.

Keberhasilan Warung Lik Man juga tidak lepas dari sang ayah, Pairo, seorang lelaki tua asal daerah Cawas, Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Tidak mendapati lahan subur yang dapat diandalkan untuk menyambung hidup, maka sekitar tahun 1950-an mbah Pairo mengadu nasib ke Yogyakarta.

Di awal kemunculannya, mbah Pairo tidak langsung mengunakan gerobak melainkan dipikul langsung olehnya. Perjuangan tidak kenal lelah itulah yang menghantarkan usahanya berhasil hingga saat ini, dan pada tahun 1969 usahanya diwariskan kepada anaknya Lik Man.

Sangking banyak penggemarnya, warung Angkringan Lik Man kini telah dijadikan ikon wisata kuliner di Kota Gudeg tersebut.


0 IOBit Game Booster v3.4 Portable

Only 1 click, turn slow PC into a fast gaming box

Designed to help optimize your PC for smoother, more responsive game play in the latest PC games with the touch of a button, Game Booster helps achieve the performance edge previously only available to highly technical enthusiasts.

It works by updating hardware drivers, downloading essential gaming tools, tweaking system settings for gaming, defragmenting game directories, temporarily shutting down background processes, cleaning RAM, and intensifying processor performance.

Works compatible with PunkBuster, Cheating-Death, VAC, and any other anti-cheat software, Game Booster makes it simpler to enjoy the latest games and take your experience to a new level. All systems go!

Download Link :

0 Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended v13.0 Portable

What's new in Photoshop Extended?
Adobe® Photoshop® CS6 Extended software delivers even more imaging magic, new creative options, and the Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine for blazingly fast performance. Retouch with greater precision, and intuitively create 3D graphics, 2D designs, and movies using new and reimagined tools and workflows.

Boost your productivity and enhance your creativity with groundbreaking new Content-Aware tools, the new Adobe Mercury Graphics engine, simplified 3D artwork creation, reengineered design tools, and more.

Discover an easy way to create 3D artwork with an intuitive user interface, and enhance your 3D creations with shadows, lighting, animation, and new sketch and cartoon looks.*

Experience creative breakthroughs with new and enhanced design tools. Intuitively create videos within the familiar Photoshop environment. Create custom photographic blurs, and paint and draw more expressively.

System requirements
    Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor
    Microsoft® Windows® XP* with Service Pack 3 or Windows 7 with Service Pack 1
    1GB of RAM
    1GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
    1024x768 display (1280x800 recommended) with 16-bit color and 512MB of VRAM
    OpenGL 2.0–capable system
    DVD-ROM drive
    This software will not operate without activation. Broadband Internet connection and registration are required for software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.† Phone activation is not available.

* 3D features and some GPU-enabled features are not supported on Windows XP. 

Adobe supported Arabic in this version :)

Extended and 3D problems Fixed

Size: 831 MB

Download Link :
*Via JumboFiles *Via 2Shared

2 Mei 2012

0 Revo Uninstaller Pro v2.5.8 Portable

Revo Uninstaller Pro helps you to uninstall software and remove unwanted programs installed on your computer easily! Even if you have problems uninstalling and cannot uninstall them from "Windows Add or Remove Programs" control panel applet.

Revo Uninstaller is a much faster and more powerful alternative to "Windows Add or Remove Programs" applet! It has very powerful features to uninstall and remove programs.

With its advanced and fast algorithms, Revo Uninstaller analyzes an application's data before uninstall and scans for remnants after the uninstall of a program. After the program's regular uninstaller runs, you can remove additional unnecessary files, folders and registry keys that are usually left over on your computer.

Revo Uninstaller Pro offers you some simple, easy to use, but effective and powerful methods for uninstalling software like tracing the program during its installation.

To remove a program completely and without leaving a trace you can monitor all system changes made during its installation, and then use that information to uninstall it with one click only – simple and easy!

Main features of Revo Uninstaller

The Uninstaller tool lists the installed programs and components for all and current user. With a choice of views, as well as a context menu, information on program components is available: program properties, their registry entries and links to manufacturer's web site, for a start. The "Search" option finds installed applications just by typing the first few letters of their name. Revo Uninstaller scans before and after an uninstallation to find all files, folders and registry keys left behind by the program's uninstaller. The primary feature of Revo Uninstaller is Hunter Mode.

Forced Uninstall
Revo Uninstaller Pro has a very powerful feature called Forced Uninstall. This feature allows you to remove leftovers of programs that are already uninstalled, incomplete installations and uninstall remnants of programs! It does not matter if the program, you want to remove, is not listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro or in Windows Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet. Forced Uninstall gives power to the user but still keeps the safety and the accuracy of the results.

Real-Time Installation Monitor
Revo Uninstaller Pro has a feature that allows monitoring of installation of a program and detects system changes during that installation. The process is done in real time – simultaneously!
This feature is very powerful because by monitoring system changes during the installation, we eliminate all the scanning algorithms when we need to uninstall that program and nevertheless we can still use these algorithms but in another feature called Forced Uninstall.

Multi-Level Backup System
Revo Uninstaller Pro creates backups of removed registry keys, values, files and folders. Backup Manager is the main part of that system. It helps you to manage backup information stored by Revo Uninstaller Pro after deletion registry entries, files and folders.

The other levels of the backup system are
- Creating system restore point before each uninstall
- Full Registry backup before each uninstall
- Full Registry backup once each day Revo Uninstaller Pro is started

Hunter Mode
This is a special, innovative feature of Revo uninstaller which indeed has two sub modes – Hunter mode and Drag and drop mode. These modes are giving you a flexibility to uninstall applications with one click (stop or delete) by simply dragging and dropping program icons to the Hunter icon or selecting their icon with the mouse cursor, whether it's on the desktop, quick launch toolbar, in the system tray or the program's window is open.

Junk Files Cleaner
Junk Files Cleaner allows you to find and remove various types of junk and unnecessary files from your computer. Junk files are created by many of the Windows applications. Normally, such files are deleted by the application that created them as soon as they do not need them, but they may remain permanently on your hard drive if there is an unexpected termination of the parent application, a system crash, etc. Cleaning junk temporary files will free a lot of hard disk space.

Windows Tools
There are a lot of handy and useful tools and components bundled with every Windows operating system. Unfortunately, some have complex command line options and others are just plain difficult to access. The Revo Uninstaller feature Windows Tools gives fast, one-click access to more than ten Windows utilities used in daily PC management. Available tools are: System Restore, Network Diagnostics, Network Information, Security Center, System Properties, System Information, TCP/IP Netstat Command, On-Screen Keyboard, Disk Defragmenter, Services, Shared Folders, Group Policy.

Autorun Manager
Auto Run Manager allows you to manage programs which load automatically at Windows startup.With this tool you can not only enable or disable applications from auto starting at Windows startup, but you can also get more detailed information about them, e.g. the program’s publisher, description, launch path (where it is saved on your computer), status of the application (if it’s running or not) and more. Stopping programs from automatically starting will increase the speed of loading your Windows.

Browsers Cleaner
Your browser records detailed record of every web site you’ve ever visited. It’s easily accessible from your browser window and by simply pressing a button, anyone can see where you’ve been browsing on the web! Revo Uninstaller erases web site history of web browsers including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera. With Browsers Cleaner you can also delete temporary internet files which include all the images you’ve viewed, all the online videos you’ve watched and all the web pages you’ve visited. Deleting temporary internet files will free up a lot of valuable hard disk space on your computer.

MS Office Cleaner
MS Office Cleaner allows you to remove history of most recently used files in MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Front Page. If you do not want somebody else to see your last opened or edited spreadsheets, documents or other files created using MS Office just select those you do not want and click Clear.Your most recently used files will no more be listed.

Windows Cleaner
Microsoft Windows keeps tracks of many things that you do with your computer like file search history when you search for file and folders; recently opened document history; open/save history used in standard open/save dialogs from different applications installed on your computer; start menu clicks history; last opened registry key history and more.

Evidence Remover
Deleting your files and folders does not mean that they are gone forever. When you empty Windows Recycle Bin your files and folders are just marked as deleted but they are not erased physically. There is a chance to recover deleted data from 10 years or older PC and this data may be very important and confidential. With any recovery tool or un-delete program you can easily get back your important documents and other files that you have deleted. And here comes Evidence Remove tool of Revo Uninstaller.

Unrecoverable Delete
If you want securely delete file or folder and want to be sure that no body with any tool could recover these files or folders use Unrecoverable Delete. Deleting files and emptying Windows Recycle Bin does not mean that these files are gone forever. They are still on your Hard Disk Drive or other storage but marked as deleted. Any body with a tool available free or commercial could recover deleted data very easily. Unrecoverable Delete tool of Revo Uninstaller tool makes it impossible to recover your deleted data - even with the most advanced and expensive tools on the market.

What are the benefits of using Revo Uninstaller Pro?

Real-Time installation monitor is the most advanced and innovative technology used today! This technology is unique among the rest of the uninstallers. That is why it offers the easiest and the fastest way to monitor installations, so when the program is no longer needed the system changes made by the installation of the monitored program could be fully reverted as the program has never been installed before! It is so easy to use that requires only 3 mouse clicks to accomplish the whole process!

Revo Uninstaller Pro scans for leftovers with even more advanced algorithms that are so precise, fast and very effective in search for leftovers of Windows Services, Drivers, File associations, Shell Extensions, COM components, Windows Installer components, program settings and more!

Forced Uninstall is very useful and powerful program removal feature that is available in Revo Uninstaller Pro! Even when a program is uninstalled with Revo Uninstaller it could leave some leftovers because of the selected uninstall mode or because there is not enough reliable info about the uninstalled program. The user could tell where the leftover files or folders are, and according to that info Revo Uninstaller Pro could scan Windows Registry and the file system for even more related leftovers. Forced Uninstall gives a lot of power to the user but still keeps the safety of the system! It is very useful when the installation is corrupted and cannot continue further. Forced Uninstall is the best solution when you have to remove partially installed programs, partially uninstalled programs, and programs not listed as installed at all.

Multi-Level backup system – guarantees that with Revo Uninstaller Pro you can safely uninstall and remove remnants of programs. Revo Uninstaller Pro creates backups of removed registry keys, values, files and folders. Before each uninstall of a program it creates a System Restore Point. For maximum protection and safety It also makes full registry backup that could be used even when Windows cannot start at all! You can use that registry backup even when some other program, virus or something else has damaged the whole system.

Print and Export of the installed programs – Revo Uninstaller Pro let you to print and/or export all details of your installed programs in few handy file formats. So later if you need to reinstall your software configuration it will be much easier to find and install the right programs that you like and use all the time.

1- Open Commands Menu then choose refresh to load all your installed programs
2- Enjoy!

Download Link :

0 Jangan Pasang Behel Hanya Untuk Gaya Atau Keren-kerenan

Beberapa waktu lalu, trend memasang behel melanda kaum remaja hingga dewasa. Kawat gigi atau behel dengan berbagai warna karet dan aksesoris pelengkap lainnya kerap terlihat menyembul dari gigi pemakainya.
Biasanya pemakai yang tidak memiliki masalah dengan bentuk susunan gigi itu memakai behel untuk alasan fashion dan gengsi semata.

Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia (PB PDGI), drg. Zaura Rini Anggraeni MDS berkata,

"Behel sekedar gaya-gayaan itu tidak perlu karena bisa merugikan pemakai sendiri".

Bahayanya adalah, saat tulang yang memegang gigi berubah mengikuti kawat yang mencekat gigi di atasnya, maka gigi bisa jadi goyah. Seperti pagar yang ditekan terus, lama-lama pondasinya akan longgar dan goyah. 

Kerugian lainnya adalah dari segi kebersihan. Memakai behel, walau hanya untuk keren-kerenan semata, tetap saja menimbulkan kesulitan dalam membersihkan sisa makanan yang menempel di sela-sela briket dan kawat.

Kuman dan bakteri akan mudah sekali terselip di sela-sela behel dan karetnya, jika tidak rajin memakai obat kumur mulut. Ini bisa menimbulkan masalah kesehatan dan bau mulut.

Proses pemasangan yang asal-asalan, apalagi jika dilakukan oleh orang yang bukan ahlinya, bisa makin memperparah bentuk gigi yang sebenarnya sudah bagus.

Memasang di tukang gigi yang tidak berijin resmi juga sangat diragukan kebersihan alat-alat yang digunakannya. Hal ini bisa meningkatkan resiko penularan penyakit.

Yang perlu diingat, fungsi behel adalah untuk memperbaiki susunan gigi yang tidak rapi, dan juga memperbaiki fungsi kunyah gigi jika bermasalah. Bukan untuk keren-kerenan saja.


1 Mei 2012

0 Mozilla SeaMonkey v2.9.1 Portable

Web-browser, advanced e-mail and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and HTML editing made simple -- all your Internet needs in one application. 

The SeaMonkey® Project
The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to develop the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite (see below). Such a software suite was previously made popular by Netscape and Mozilla, and the SeaMonkey project continues to develop and deliver high-quality updates to this concept. Containing an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client, HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools, SeaMonkey is sure to appeal to advanced users, web developers and corporate users.

powered by Mozilla Under the hood, SeaMonkey uses much of the same Mozilla source code which powers such successful siblings as Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino, Sunbird and Miro. Legal backing is provided by the Mozilla Foundation. 

Features of the SeaMonkey® Suite
Browser ("Navigator")
Tabbed browsing gives you a better way to surf the net. You no longer have to open one page at a time. With tabbed browsing, open several pages at once with one click. Plus, your homepage can be multiple pages, in tabs.

Popup blocker lets you surf the web without interruption from annoying ads.

Image Manager lets you block images to remove offensive images or speed up the rendering of web sites.

Find as you type gives you another way to navigate a page. Just start typing to jump from link to link or to find a word or phrase within a page.

Plus all the features a modern browser should have including: Advanced security settings; Password, Download, and Cookie managers; Themes; multi-language and multi-platform support; and, the latest in Web Standards.

Mail & Newsgroups
Junk mail controls helps you take back control of your e-mail from spammers. SeaMonkey's adaptive junk mail control gets smarter with use and is personalized to the e-mail that you receive.

Manage your mail with customizable Labels and Mail Views. Color code your e-mail to help you prioritize. Sort your mail with views to help you through your e-mail much faster.

Multiple Accounts support helps you manage all your mail through one interface.

SeaMonkey Messenger includes Enterprise ready features such as S/MIME, return receipts, Address Books, LDAP support, and digital signing.

SeaMonkey's powerful yet simple HTML editor keeps getting better with dynamic image and table resizing, quick insert and delete of table cells, improved CSS support, and support for positioned layers. For all your documents and website projects, Composer is all you need.

IRC Chat ("ChatZilla")
Chat on IRC networks with this simple yet powerful IRC client. Multiple networks and channels are easy to keep track of in a familiar tabbed interface.

You can change the look and feel of the chat with motifs; choose from several built-in motifs, many more downloadable, or create your own with CSS.

1- Flash Player 11.2 Included
2- Enjoy!

Download Link :

0 Mozilla Thunderbird v12.0.1 Portable

Thunderbird is Mozilla's next generation e-mail client. Thunderbird makes emailing safer, faster and easier than ever before and can also scale to meet the most sophisticated organizational needs.

New features in Thunderbird 3 that require feedback include:
Tabs and Search
Thunderbird 3 changes the way you do email with tabbed email, and a new set of search tools helps you find your emails faster.

If you like Firefox’s tabbed browsing, you’re going to love tabbed email. Tabbed email lets you load emails in separate tabs so you can quickly jump between them. Perhaps you’re responding to an email and need to refer back to an earlier email. Tabbed email lets you keep multiple emails open for easy reference.

Double-clicking or hitting enter on a mail message will now open that message in a new tab window. Right-clicking on messages or folders will open them in a tab in the background.

When quitting Thunderbird, visible tabs will be saved and will be restored when you open Thunderbird the next time. There is also a new Tab menu on the Tab toolbar to help you switch between Tabs.

The new search interface in Thunderbird 3 contains filtering and timeline tools to pinpoint the exact email you’re looking for. Thunderbird 3 also indexes all of your emails to help you search even faster. Your search results are displayed in a tab so you can easily switch back and forth to your search results and other email.

Message Archive
If you think you’re going to need an email in the future but want it out of your inbox without deleting it, archive it! Archiving helps you manage your inbox and put your email into a new archive folder system.

Selecting the Archive button or hitting the ‘A’ key will archive your email.

Customize Your Email Experience
Thunderbird is flexible to suit your personality, to give you the features you need, and to fit your work style. Change how Thunderbird looks or add as many features as you want.

Thunderbird Look & Feel
With Personas, lightweight "skins" allow you to change the look and feel of Thunderbird in an instant. Hundreds of skins are available from the latest movies, famous landmarks, and Japanese tattoos. You can also choose from several Themes that dress up all the different icons in Thunderbird.

Smart Folders
Smart Folders helps you manage multiple email accounts by combining special folders like your Inbox, Sent, or Archive folder. Instead of going to the Inbox for each of your mail accounts, you can see all of you incoming email in one Inbox folder.

Add-ons Manager
Find and install add-ons directly in Thunderbird. You no longer need to visit the add-ons Web site—instead simply fire up the Add-ons Manager. Not sure which add-on is right for you? Ratings, recommendations, descriptions and pictures of the add-ons in action help you make your selection.

Easier to Get Started
Setting up Thunderbird 3 is much easier. Several of the new features will also ease you through your day.

Mail Account Setup Wizard
Prior to this new feature you had to know your IMAP, SMTP, SSL/TLS settings. Now all you need to provide is your name, email address, and password and the new email account set up wizard will check our database and find the email settings for you.

One-click Address Book
One-click Address Book is a quick and easy way to add people to your address book. Add people by simply clicking on the star icon in the message you receive. Two clicks and you can add more details like a photo, birthday, and other contact information.

Attachment Reminder
The new attachment reminder looks for the word attachment (and other words like file types) in the body of your message and reminds you to add an attachment before hitting send.

Activity Manager
The Activity Manager records all the interactions between Thunderbird and your email provider in one place. There’s no more guess work. You only have to look in one place to see everything that’s happening your email.

Secure and Protect Your Mail
Thunderbird’s security and privacy measures ensure that your communications and identity remain safe.

Cutting Out the Junk
Thunderbird’s popular junk mail tools have been updated to stay ahead of spam. Each email you receive passes through Thunderbird’s leading-edge junk mail filters. Each time you mark messages as spam, Thunderbird “learns” and improves its filtering so you can spend more time reading the mail that matters. Thunderbird can also use your mail provider’s spam filters to keep junk mail out of your inbox.

Robust Privacy
Thunderbird 3 offers support for user privacy and remote image protection. To ensure a user’s privacy, Thunderbird 3 automatically blocks remote images in email messages.

Phishing Protection
Thunderbird protects you from email scams which try to trick users into handing over personal and confidential information by indicating when a message is a potential phishing attempt. As a second line of defense, Thunderbird warns you when you click on a link which appears to be taking you to a different Web site than the one indicated by the URL in the message.

Automated Update
Thunderbird’s update system checks to see if you’re running the latest version, and notifies you when a security update is available. These security updates are small (usually 200KB - 700KB), giving you only what you need and making the security update quick to download and install. The automated update system provides updates for Thunderbird on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux in over 40 different languages.

Open Source
At the heart of Thunderbird is an open source development process driven by thousands of passionate, experienced developers and security experts spread all over the world. Our openness and active community of experts helps to ensure our products are more secure and quickly updated, while also enabling us to take advantage of the best third party security scanning and evaluation tools to further bolster overall security.

Download Link :

0 Mozilla FireFox v12.0 Portable

Mozilla Firefox - faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefox project (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is a redesign of Mozilla's browser component, written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows.

Browsing Made Easy
Awesome Bar
Get to your favorite sites quickly – even if you don’t remember the URLs. Type your term into the location bar (aka the Awesome Bar) and the autocomplete function will include possible matches from your browsing history, bookmarked sites and open tabs.

The Awesome Bar learns as you use it—over time, it adapts to your preferences and offers better-fitting matches. We’ve tweaked it to give you greater control over the results (including privacy settings) and increased performance so you find what you need even faster.

Improved Interface
We’re always looking for ways to make your browsing easier and more efficient.
Read on for our latest improvements (or watch the video):

Tabs are above the Awesome Bar to make it easier to focus on the content of the sites you visit.

Firefox Button (Windows and Linux)
All your menu items are now found in a single button for easy access.

Bookmark Button
Manage your bookmarks in a single button. Find your favorite links without getting bogged down!

Simplified Reload/Stop Button
Your Awesome Bar now features one easy button to stop loading pages or reload pages.

Home Button
The Home button has been moved to the right side of the search-field.

Browse multiple sites at once, simply and easily. Each new site appears as a new tab
(not a new window) and can be accessed in one click.

App Tabs
Take sites you always keep open—like Web mail—off your tab bar and give them a permanent home in your browser.

Reopen Closed Tabs and Windows
If you accidentally close a tab or window, you can reopen it in one click. Just view Recently Closed Tabs or Recently Closed Windows in the History menu and select the tab or window you’d like to reopen.

As you’re opening a new tab or typing in the Awesome Bar, Firefox will check to see if you already have that site open. If you do, you’ll be directed to the existing tab so you don’t open a duplicate.

Smooth Scrolling
Like to have all 20 of your favorite pages open at once? An elegant new feature lets you scroll through tabs easily to see them all and access the one you want quickly.

Organize your Tabs with Panorama
Too many tabs? Reclaim your browser from tab clutter! Panorama lets you drag and drop your tabs into manageable groups that you can organize, name and arrange in a fun and visual way. To get started with Panorama, simply select the Tab Groups icon when you customize your Navigation Toolbar or right click any tab to Move to Group.

Stay in Sync
Sync seamlessly connects your desktop and mobile Firefoxes, so you can access your browsing history, passwords, bookmarks and even open tabs no matter which device you use. Access years of desktop browsing the first day you fire up your mobile, and use saved passwords from your desktop to fill out forms on your phone.

Now you can surf the Web on your desktop, get up in the middle of browsing and have your open tabs ready and waiting on your mobile, just as you left them. Your browsing will never be the same! Learn more about Sync or get Firefox on your phone.

Password Manager
Tired of trying to remember or retype your passwords every time you visit a favorite site? Firefox is here to help! You’ll be prompted with a non-intrusive option to remember passwords when you first log in—after that, Firefox will take care of the rest.

Form Complete
When you’re filling out an online form like your shipping address, Firefox will suggest information for each field based on your most common answers for similar fields in other forms. Tired of typing out the same answers over and over? You’ll be zipping through the forms in no time!

Pop-Up Blocker
Banish pop-ups (and pop-under windows) from your surfing experience once and for all. Or, find a happy medium: choose to view blocked pop-ups or create an “allow” list of sites whose pop-ups you’re okay with seeing.

Easy Search
The Web is a big place, but Firefox is ready to help you find whatever you’re looking for.

Integrated Web Search
Searching the Web is a breeze with the search box, located just to the right of your location bar. Select the search engine of your choice and enter your search terms into the box. The box width is even adjustable if you need more space.

Search Suggestions
Start typing in the search bar and it will prompt you with a drop down of filled-in suggestions. You can even use the search bar as a calculator, converter and more.

Hundreds of Search Engines
Choose from the preset dropdown list of search options or select “manage search engines” to browse for many more search-related add-ons. Check out your choices.

Smart Keywords
Search the Web in record time with smart keywords. With a few clicks you can assign keywords to search engines, and then simply enter your key and search words in the location bar. Assigning “books” to Amazon.com means you can type in a search like “books about home building” and zip right there, with no pausing on the Amazon home page.

Location-Aware Browsing
Need directions, or help finding a restaurant? Firefox can tell sites where you’re located so you can get the most relevant and useful information. The browser won’t share your location without your permission, either – your privacy is the top priority.

Session Restore
Session Restore instantly brings back your windows and tabs, restoring text you entered and any in-progress downloads. You can restart the browser without losing your place after you install an add-on or software update. And, if Firefox or your computer unexpectedly closes, you don’t have to spend time recovering data or retracing your steps through the Web. If you’re in the middle of typing an email, you’ll pick up where you left off, even down to the last word you typed.

Spell Checking
A built-in spell checker works directly in Web pages, like blog posts and email. Save yourself a step and stop worrying about typos.

Get Organized
There’s a lot of great stuff on the Web, Firefox is full of ways to help you keep track.

One-Click Bookmarking
Manage your bookmarks a lot or a little. One click on the star icon at the end of the location bar bookmarks a site. Two clicks and you can choose where to save it and whether to tag it. File bookmarked sites in easy-to-access folders and organize according to theme (like “job search” or “favorite shopping”). Find your bookmarked sites in a flash by entering the tag, page or bookmark name into the location bar. The more you use your tags and bookmark names in the location bar, the more the system will adapt to your preferences.

Label a site with names or categories that are meaningful to you. For example, you can label both www.bbc.co.uk and www.nytimes.com with the “news” tag. When you enter “news” into the location bar, both sites will be shown as results. A single site can have multiple tags, and there’s no limit to the number of tags you can create. You may not remember the exact name of a site, but with a tag, you’ll be able to find it easily.

Make your browser as efficient as you can imagine. Your browsing history and your bookmarks are archived in the Library, where they can be easily searched and organized. As your bookmark list and history grow, you can save your frequent searches in automatically updated smart folders.

Search and Find
The find feature appears with a simple keystroke. Search for a word or phrase on an open Web page. Highlight text before using the feature and the finder opens pre-filled with your selection. See all instances of your search at once, or scroll backwards and forwards through any appearances of the word on the page.

RSS Feed Reader
Spending hours combing the Web for the latest news and updates? Instead, add an RSS feed icon to your toolbar and create feeds using an online web service, a client-side feed reader or by creating a Firefox Live Bookmark.

Download Manager
Download files seamlessly and securely! A pause and resume feature means you can stop and start anytime. So, if you’re halfway through downloading a big file and it’s time to catch the bus, just pause and pick up where you left off later. The resume function also works if your system crashes or is forced to restart. The manager shows your download progress and even lets you search your files by name or the Web address where the download came from.

Offline Browsing
Take your computer offline and still have your information at your fingertips. Certain sites may allow applications—like your Web-based email—to stay with you at all times.

Full Zoom
Want to see captions and pictures in a larger size? An elegant new zoom feature lets you swoop in and see the details on web pages, zeroing in on what matters. The pages will scale equally, with all the elements of layout changing at the same level.

Naturalized Look & Feel
The Firefox platform looks and feels like home. Think of it as a Firefox who’s really good at making friends. Whether you use Windows 7, Mac or Linux, the browser seamlessly integrates into your computer’s environment. A native look makes for a flawless interface that never gives you pause.

Firefox Support
Need help? Our support site has a searchable knowledge base of articles, plus forums and tutorials full of solutions and tips for a better experience.

High Performance
Super Speed
With faster start-up times, rapid graphics rendering and improved page load speed, Firefox 4 is full of major performance improvements you’ll notice instantly. From integrating Compartments and more efficiently managing JavaScript objects to supporting ECMAScript5 and building the brand new J?gerMonkey JavaScript engine, we’ve been working hard under the hood to make this the most powerful Firefox ever.

Crash Protection
Firefox provides uninterrupted browsing when there is a crash in the Adobe Flash, Apple QuickTime or Microsoft Silverlight plugins. If one of these commonly-used plugins crashes or freezes, it won't affect the rest of Firefox. Instead, you can simply reload the page to restart the plugin and try again. Learn more about plugins.

Real World Performance
Having a super fast JavaScript engine is definitely important, but since those changes are often measured in milliseconds sometimes what matters even more is the way the browser feels when you’re actually using it. That’s why we’re constantly optimizing Firefox to be great for the way you use the web – things like making new tabs open up more quickly, or having the Awesome Bar provide results even faster. In the end, it’s about getting you where you need to go as quickly and easily as possible.

3D on the Web
WebGL brings 3D graphics to Firefox, opening the door for developers to create vivid games and new kinds of visualizations and experiences for the Web.

Hardware Acceleration
Experience super-fast graphics acceleration of video and Web content with a new layers-based graphics system that takes advantage of Direct2D and Direct3D on Windows and OpenGL on Mac.

Advanced Security
Instant Web Site ID
Want to be extra sure about a site’s legitimacy before you make a purchase? Click on its favicon for an instant identity overview. Another click digs deeper: how many times have you visited? Are your passwords saved? Check up on suspicious sites, avoid Web forgeries and make sure a site is what it claims to be.
Instant Web Site ID screenshot

Content Security Policy
The Content Security Policy in Firefox is designed to shut down cross-site scripting attacks by providing a mechanism for sites to explicitly tell the browser which content is legitimate. The browser can then disregard any content that has not been blessed by the site, keeping you protected in the process.

Customized Security Settings
Control the level of scrutiny you’d like Firefox to give a site. You can even enter exceptions—sites that don’t need the third degree. Customize settings for passwords, cookies, loading images, and installing add-ons for a fully empowered Web experience.

Parental Controls
Enforce parental control settings you’ve entered on Windows 7 to stop unwanted downloads and more.

Secure Updates
Firefox looks for a secure connection before installing or updating add-ons, third-party software, and Personas.

Private Browsing
Sometimes it’s nice to go undercover: turn this feature on and protect your browsing history. You can slip in and out of private browsing mode quickly, so it’s easy to go back to what you were doing before as if nothing ever happened. This feature is great if you’re doing your online banking on a shared computer or checking email from an Internet café.
Private Browsing screenshot

Anti-Virus Integration
Firefox integrates elegantly with your Windows anti-virus software. When you download a file, your computer’s anti-virus program automatically checks it to protect you against viruses and other malware, which could otherwise attack your computer.

Shop and do business safely on the Internet. Firefox gets a fresh update of forgery sites a whopping 48 times a day, so if you try to visit a fraudulent site that’s pretending to be someone you trust (like your bank), a warning message will stop you before any harm is done.

Clear Recent History
Clear all your private data or just your activity over the past few hours with a few quick clicks. You have full control over what to delete, and then your info is gone for good—on your own computer or the one at your local library. It’s that easy.

Firefox protects you from viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware delivered over the Web. If you accidentally access an attack site, it will warn you away from the site and tell you why it isn’t safe to use.

Do Not Track
Many sites track your online behavior and sell that data to advertisers. If that makes you uncomfortable, Firefox lets you tell sites you want to opt out of behavioral tracking and keep your browsing habits private.

Forget This Site
Having second thoughts about having visited a certain site? Remove every trace of ever having been there!

Securing Website Connections
Firefox keeps attackers from intercepting your sensitive data by automatically establishing secure connections to websites that offer secure https servers.

Automated Updates
Firefox will automatically let you know when there’s a new version available, so you can make sure your browser is always up-to-date with the latest and greatest security fixes.

Outdated Plugin Detection
Plugins are small bits of third-party software built by companies like Adobe Systems or Apple to power videos, animation and games. They can be major security risks when they get out of date, so we’ve built an easy tool to help you stay current. Check your plugins.

1- Flash Player 11.2 Included
2- Enjoy!

Download Link :

0 Picasa v3.9 Build 136.01 Portable

Picasa is a free software download from Google that helps you:
    * Locate and organise all the photos on your computer.
    * Edit and add effects to your photos with a few simple clicks.
    * Share your photos with others through email, prints and on the web: it’s fast, easy and free.

Take your photos further with Picasa from Google

Picasa instantly locates and organises all the pictures on your computer.

Find the pictures you forgot you had.
Picasa organises your entire collection while you watch, scanning the images on your computer and automatically sorting them by date.

Move and re-name pictures from inside Picasa
Want to clean up messy folders and move pictures around on your computer's hard drive? Simply drag and drop pictures from one folder in Picasa to another. Picasa will make the change permanent after double-checking with you. Want to change a picture's filename from 671056398a.jpg to Lisa.jpg? In Picasa, it only takes seconds to re-name one picture or a group of pictures.

Make an album
Use the "Albums" collection to tag your photos into quick groupings inside Picasa. Viewing and sharing the pictures you grouped under an album is easy – they make great slideshows and movies or you can email them to friends.

Add a star rating
Give a gold star to any photo you love: it turns your favourites into visual standouts at a glance. Picasa even has a star search that reduces your entire photo collection to the best of the best in less than a second.

Keep one picture in multiple albums
Picasa creates a new “instance” of each photo you label without taking up more space on your computer, so you can put the same picture into multiple albums.

Password-protect collections
Have photos you want to keep to yourself? You can add passwords to any of your Picasa collections (this does not affect which pictures you and others can see on your computer’s hard drive).

Turn a grey sky into a picture-perfect day.

Basic Fixes are back – and better
Picasa's Basic Fixes are buttons that make it fast and easy to crop, remove red eye, fix the contrast and colour, and enhance your digital pictures.

Amazing effects turn so-so pictures into works of art
You can see how much Picasa's 12 new visual effects can improve your photos – and in seconds, not hours. Go sepia. Warmify. Make pictures pop with colour or try austere black-and-white. Try easy one-clicks or the more finely tuned sliders for better control where you want it. And of course, you can undo your changes at any step along the way.

Write captions that stay with the picture
Picasa makes captions the way journalists do – using the IPTC standard. That means your captions are saved within their pictures and stay with them, whether you export as a web page or make a CD presentation. Picasa captions are fully editable and searchable, and you choose whether to display them or not.
Zoom. Pan. Tilt. Get the angle you intended.

So you did not get the shot? With Picasa, that is not the end of the story. Go in closer and move the focus slightly to the left. Your camera was slightly crooked? So what? Your picture is perfect anyway.

Know how to use a camera in manual mode?
Photography aficionados can now fine-tune their photos with Picasa's EXIF display. This window shows you all the camera data that is stored in a picture's original file - such as camera model, date the photo was taken, even if a flash was used. The EXIF display also has a RGB histogram, a real-time graph that shows the intensity of colours in your picture and how they change when you make edits in Picasa.

The hardest part of sharing your pictures is choosing your favourites.

Send photos via email that are a joy to receive
Take the guesswork out of sending photos. Picasa automatically resizes and attaches pictures to email messages at sizes your friends will be able to open. Works with most email programs, including Google Mail.

Put pictures on your own site, for free
Picasa Web Albums is the fast and easy way to put your photos on the web. Just select the photos in Picasa that you want to share and click to publish. In seconds, those photos are on your own web page, ready to share with the people you know. Check out  a few things you can 
do with Picasa Web Albums 
If you're looking to post multiple photos onto your blog, Picasa's "BlogThis!" button does the hard work for you by automatically transferring selected photos directly to  Blogger.

Make beautiful slide shows
With Picasa, you can turn a group of photos into a presentation with one click, then share your slide show on a CD.

Move to any device or folder
You can take your photos with you no matter how you like to carry them. Picasa works with all the newest compact flash devices.

Prints & Products
Print beautiful pictures at home with more custom sizes or order prints, gifts and books from your favourite online companies.

Custom and standard sizes are now fit to print at home.

Picasa automatically fits your pictures perfectly onto the expensive paper used by your home printer. It is finally easy to print wallets, 4×6, 5×7, full pages, more sizes and even (hallelujah!) more than one picture on a page.

Print Order
Export pictures to popular photo processing websites.

You can pick photos straight out of Picasa and upload them directly to your favourite photo finishers to order prints and other products.

Do not lose your digital memories. Safely back up your photos with Picasa 2.
Burn to CD or DVD for archive purposes.

Picasa makes it easy to protect your pictures by archiving them on a CD or DVD. Picasa even displays the pictures that have not yet been backed up to make absolutely sure you do not make mistakes with images that matter.
Give gift CDs with slide shows.

Effortlessly create slide show CDs for friends and family.
Create a network backup of your pictures.

Save to a folder on your computer, plus any device that is an external drive or disk. Moving edited pictures out of Picasa has always been as easy as clicking the Export button. Now you can also control the quality and sizes of your exported pictures. Picasa even will save photos back to any drive, including the newest flash memory cards and sticks.

Enjoy your pictures in fun, creative ways – it is what photography is all about!
Turn your photos into a movie.

It is so easy to play filmmaker with your pictures. Select your best shots, then adjust the delay time, dimensions, and video compression settings. That is it – Picasa will render a movie, complete with title graphics, that you can play and share.
Make a personalised desktop picture or screensaver.

Your best pictures are now on display. Pick a favourite photo as your desktop picture or add several into your screensaver rotation. What better way to enjoy your photographic genius at your desk?

Create a poster
Picasa can tile any picture you select, allowing you to print each part and reassemble them at poster size – up to 1,000% larger than the original.
Make picture collages.

Select a group of pictures, choose one of the beautiful templates, and Picasa will create a collage that expands your creative horizons. Picture pile it. Make a multi-exposure image. Create a contact sheet. Done? Simply save your collage to a folder, as a new desktop background or as a screensaver.

System Requirements
Picasa requires:
    * PC with 300MHz Pentium® processor and MMX® technology.
    * 64 MB RAM (128MB Recommended)
    * 50 MB available hard disk space (100MB recommended)
    * 800 × 600 pixels, 16 bit colour monitor.
    * Windows XP/Vista/7
    * Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.01 or better (6.0 recommended). If at any time you get an “unable to authenticate” error, you should upgrade to IE 6.0.
    * Microsoft® DirectX 7.0 or higher (8.1 ships with XP, 9.0b recommended).
    * Optional: 56K Internet connection speed or better (for access to any online services).

Related information about Picasa:
File types supported include:
Images: jpg, bmp, gif, png, psd, tif
Movies: avi, mpg, wmv, asf, mov (QuickTime)
RAW data files, including cameras from Canon, Nikon, Kodak, Minolta and Pentax.

Currently available in Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Dutch, English (US and UK), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Download Link :